Friday, October 30, 2009

Father And Sons

Just finished watching the last episode of a Hong Kong TVB modern drama series - Father and Sons《爸爸閉翳》(25 episodes) which broadcast in August 2007 and shown in the local TV programme. Eventhough, have purchased the DVD in year 2008 but never have the time to watch it.

Since I have this habit of turning on the TV whenever I reached home or working on my notebook and it catched my attention in chasing after this drama series after a few episodes.

I loved this drama series, especially the last episode and nearly make me shed my tears. Again, it helps us to understand the importance things that we should treasure in life - kinship.

"In the world all things have their value, kinship alone is priceless."

Dont wait till we lose it, then we realised is too late and regret for it. Life is so short to wait for things to happen, learn to cherish everyone and everything around us. Tell them how much you love them, hug them as much as you can, apologise to them if you need to, achieve for whatever your dreams and live life to the fullest in the least of regrets.

Here's the links:

《親近》編曲、填詞: 梁翹柏 主唱: 陳奕迅
沒有緣為何為你拼命 也很高興

做得冤家天注定 能共處是美景

#如我拼搏一生 負擔千斤
一切也為了最親 親必須要近
明月照人 無價是眼前人
懷裡乳燕初生 是最逼真
不管有沒有血親 莫讓愛消沉仍
懷著一顆真的心 愛便相近
其實個個也有本領活得開心先最勁 其實你是救星#

延續感恩的心應千載不變 常念過去愛意暖暖手中線
明白「我愛你」要掛嘴邊 莫錯過了悔咎昨天讓愛能展#


God bless!

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