Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Parent's Love


We are so busy growing up and we often forgot our parents are also growing old.

If one day, the one who begets, gives birth to, nurtures and raises you is gone. Someone who is genetically related and closest blood relationship with you in the world is gone and no one else in this world will love you unreservedly for all anymore.

Think about the times when you are young, maybe you were hit or beaten by your parents and hold a grudge against them but have you ever know that they will be weeping secretly. It's not because they don't love you, is because your naughty, bad and silly behavior have let them speechless that they have no other alternative but to do it. You can hate anyone but not them because they are your parents who love you selflessly more than anyone else does. Think back when you were small, how they carry you when you fall, wipe your tears when you cried, fight away all your fears when you would scream, held your little hands on your first tried faltering steps and teach you to speak for the first word. They give you the best that they could.

As you grow up and starts to work in the society, even knowing that you would tantrum but still they will call to remind you for dinner just in case you are too busy in work and have forgotten to eat. Therefore, no matter how busy your schedule is, remember to go home for dinner with them and don't let them call for numerous times when you still don't pick up the phone. If you are not with them and call them at least every week to update them your situation. Don't make it a regret when you wish to and there's no more opportunity as no one else will be like them who care about how you are doing, how's your work, whether you are fat or skinny or in good health or sleep well. So, don't let them always worry about you, they do not need much money but they want to hear from you and accompany by you because you are the most precious love and closest forever in their heart. Spend time with them and be patience to take care of them when they fall sick for they need most of your love when they are weak. Just like they coddled you when you were sick.

Life is too short and unpredictable, so don't wait as you will never know what will happen in the next minute. Some say picture is worth a thousand words and kept memories that will last forever. Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory and feelings change, memories don't. Every memory is precious whether it is a good one or bad one; they overall shape us for who we are today, so don't let anyone of them go. If you have not yet photograph with your parents and go take some pictures for you will never regret in doing it as regardless of your relationship with your parents, you will miss them when they are gone from your life.

The most beautiful thing in this world is to see your parents smile
and the next best thing is to know that
you are the reason behind that smile. 

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