Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Butterfly Effect

File:Butterflyeffect poster.jpgSome people want to forgot about the past and some people want to change it.

The Butterfly Effect is an American science fiction psychological thriller film that was written and directed by Eric Bress and J. Mackye Gruber (screenwriters for Final Destination 2) released on January 23, 2004. The title was inspired by the short story, A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury and refers to the butterfly effect, a popular hypothetical example of chaos theory which illustrates how relatively minor changes may lead to large changes overtime.

Evan Treborn(Ashton Kutcher) grows up in a small town with his single, working mother and his friends, Kayleigh Miller (Amy Smart), Lenny Kagan (Elden Henson) and Tommy Miller (William Lee Scott). As a kid, he suffers from memory blackouts where he suddenly finds himself somewhere else and confused. Since the age of seven, he has detail his life in a journal.

One day at college he starts to read one of his old diaries, and suddenly a flashback hits him like a brick. When he discovers he can travel back in time in order to set things right, he attempts to set things right for himself and his friends. However, there are unintended consequences for all, harming those he cares about and realizes that the main cause of everyone's suffering in all the different timelines is himself.

At the end of the film, Evan purposely travels back in time one final time to the moment of his birth when he was in his mother's womb. Evan decides to kill himself and thus he was never born. Without him ever being born, Kayleigh and her brother Tommy decide to live with their mom going on to have happy lives and Lenny also grows up happy without Tommy's destructive presence. Evan's mother later on had a daughter. Earlier in the film Evan's mother mentioned that she had two stillbirths before him. This suggests that their father's abilities were passed down to each of them and they all made the same decision in the end, to never have been born at all.

Life is a journey, not a destination.
Be present in all things and thankful for all things. 

Movie Trailer:


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